You should expect to see advertised public sector quick quotes and tenders include more clauses and questions on how you, as a bidder, will reduce your carbon footprint and meet the Climate Change targets.
As a result you need to prepare, if you have not already done so, to be ready to bid by looking at:
For example: |
What practical steps/activities and changes your organisation can make to what you do now |
The objectives/outcomes expected from your activities |
Reduce the use of single use plastics by X % |
The timelines involved with these activities |
Set milestones for reduction with complete elimination by X |
How you will monitor and evidence the changes and impact your organisation can/will make |
Review PO’s raised and the number of times used |
New opportunities. Perhaps this will open up new opportunities for your organisation. |
You could add new products/do something differently whist reducing your organisation’s carbon emissions |
How you can contribute to what we buy, making sure that this is low carbon through the supply chain.
You could provide a new way of delivering goods or services, such as ‘product as a service’ to keep or maximise the use of products and keep materials in use for as long as possible |
How you can make a difference to our climate change aspirations.
You could provide goods or services that result in carbon emissions reductionn in public sector workplaces |
Please note: all changes will be relevant and proportionate to the contract you are bidding for.
Future frameworks and contracts that will contain climate change as part of its selection criteria will be classified as either “relevant” or “priority” climate change contracts.
This will be determined by the buyer based on their organisation’s rules and on the type of contract. This will be clearly shown in the advertised Contract Notice [1] or within the SPD Module in PCS.
Where future frameworks or contracts have been identified as a relevant or priority climate change contract, buyers may ask you to supply your climate change plan at the selection stage of the procurement. This might include being asked to complete a Bidder Climate Change Plan Template for submission at the appropriate stage in the procurement process.
The Bidder ‘relevant contract’ Climate Change Plan Template asks bidders to supply:
As you can see from the above, the Bidder ‘relevant contract’ Climate Change Plan Template asks bidders to supply information on their organisation’s emissions sources, but does not currently ask bidders to calculate their carbon emissions. This plan also requires bidders to supply the actions the bidder is taking to address their organisation’s carbon emissions.
Quickfire Guide
Carbon emissions are classified as Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol [2]:
Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions arising from owned or controlled sources e.g. owned vehicles, combustion of fuel in facilities
Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from purchased energy e.g. electricity, heating, cooling
Scope 3 emissions are all other indirect emissions that occur in the organisation’s value chain e.g. purchased goods and services, waste, business travel, staff commuting, water
Different plans are required for relevant and priority contracts. You can find guidance on how to complete these as well as pre-completed examples of both plans below.
Please note: the example templates provided below are for guidance only and are not legal advice. They should not be used for your bid responses - you should ensure your bid response is specific and relevant to the procurement exercise you are bidding for.
Note that the Bidder ‘priority contract’ Climate Change Plan Template may be updated in the future . Any changes made will be communicated.
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