Once the quotation or tender deadline has passed, the bids will be opened (bids cannot be opened before this time).
If Quick Quote [1] on PCS has been used then all quotes received will be recorded automatically. If not using Quick Quote then quotes may be received via hard copy or email (dependent on the buyer instructions)
If the buyer is using Public Contracts Scotland [2] or PCS-Tender [3] for the procurement exercise, then the bid opening will be automated. If PCS-Tender is not being used then the opening will be undertaken in line by the buyer's governance procedures.
The buyer will already have established an Opening Board i.e. at least two people who will open, check and log then bids received.
If a bid is incomplete, or has not followed buyer instructions, then it may be disqualified. If the bidder is disqualified then they must be informed of this in writing by the buyer.
[1] https://supplierjourney.scot/supplier-journey/bid/quotations
[2] https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
[3] https://www.publictendersscotland.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/esop/pts-host/public/pts/web/login.html