The rules a public sector buyer must follow vary depending on the type and value of the contract advertised.
This page is for information only, as the buyer will ensure that their tender process meets the required thresholds [1] and will have chosen the correct procurement procedures to follow.
In Scotland the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 [2] has set a contract threshold of £50,000 excluding VAT for goods and services contracts. This is known as a “regulated procurement”.
This now means that all regulated procurements (of or over £50k in value excluding VAT for goods and services) let by public sector buyers must be advertised on Public Contracts Scotland [3].
Contracts which are worth less than £50k for goods and services excluding VAT (known as “non-regulated procurements”) are subject to fewer rules.
The World Trade Organisation has set contract threshold values [1] called the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) thresholds which are updated every two years. When contracts are above the relevant GPA contract threshold values the relevant Regulations apply.
GPA contract thresholds are also known as ”higher value regulated procurements”.
Higher value regulated procurements must be advertised via the Find a Tender Service [4] (FTS). When a buyer uses Public Contracts Scotland [5]to advertise their requirement their Contract Notice is then automatically published on FTS if it is over the relevant higher value regulated procurement threshold.