For purchases which are:
Buyers will usually ask for quotes from a minimum of three suppliers who have the experience and expertise needed.
Quotations tend to be a simpler and quicker process than a regulated procurement exercise.
Public Contracts Scotland [1] includes a “Quick Quote” functionality which can be used by procurement buyers to undertake a quotation. However buyers may instead use another process or choose to seek quotes manually in writing or by email.
When undertaking a quotation buyers must decide which businesses to ask for quotes. Buyers may identify businesses in a number of ways, including:
As the Supplier Finder is the Scottish public sector's sourcing directory, it is very important that your organisation visible on Supplier Finder. To be visible your organisation must:
If the buyer is using the Quick Quote functionality on PCS then they can only invite suppliers to their quotation who are registered on Supplier Finder.
More information on the Supplier Finder profile can be found on the PCS Supplier Finder User Guide [2] which includes screen shots on how to set up and amend your profile.
The Quick Quote facility allows buyers to ask for competitive quotes for low value procurements, which are also low risk and non-repetitive, from selected businesses.
In order for a buyer to request a quote from you through Quick Quote, you must be registered on PCS and have a complete Supplier Finder profile.
A Quick Quote request is created online and sent to a selected list of suppliers. Only those suppliers selected to quote can access the details of the quote and submit a quote.
The invitation will also include the terms and conditions for the contract, the evaluation criteria and any other information that you will need in order to prepare a quote.
Interested suppliers then complete the required details and submit their quote using the secure electronic post-box. There is a full electronic audit trail.
The PCS Q [3]uick Quote user guide for suppliers [4] provides further information, including screen shots on how to review , respond to, and decline Quick Quote invitations.
Alternatively if the buying organisation does not use the Quick Quote facility in PCS they can seek quotes in writing, by e-mail or post.
The buyer should clearly set out the timescales for quotes. The deadline for responses will depend on how complex the job is, but should allow you to make a considered response. In exceptional circumstances the buyer may choose to extend the deadline. If this happens the buyer will communicate this to all suppliers invited to quote.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your quote is submitted on time.
Yes! You may ask the buyer questions about their invitation to quote. If the answers include any further information or clarification not contained within the original document the buyer will send this within in the Quick Quote system (you will receive a notification to your email) or by email to all suppliers invited to provide a quote. Commercially sensitive information will not be included in this process.
Yes. Once you have submitted your quote, if there is anything in your quote that the buyer is unsure about then they can ask you a question (also known as a Tender Clarification [5]) in writing asking for confirmation. The buyer will include timescales by which you must respond to the clarification(s) sent. You must ensure that you respond in writing by the deadline provided.
You cannot change your original quote details, you can only clarify the question being asked. If you have made an error in your pricing, it cannot be changed: you must either agree to stand by your original price quotation or withdraw your quote.
Occasionally, a buyer will interview you or invite you to give a presentation to help evaluate your quote. The buyer should include such requirements in the original Invitation to Quote or Quick Quote documents, including whether and how this part of the process will be scored. All suppliers will be treated equally and records of the interviews/presentations will be kept by the buyer for audit purposes.
Quickfire Guide
Your quote will be assessed against a number of set criteria. These criteria will be given to you in the invitation to quote or in the Quick Quote documents, so that you can clearly see clearly what the buyer is looking for. Buyers will always be looking for the most economically advantageous (MEAT) quote which is a combination of price and quality/technical and sustainability criteria.
You should therefore make sure that your quote demonstrates this as clearly as possible.
The buyer will want to ensure that the contract is working well and meeting all expectations. As a result they may put in place regular meetings with you and/or some other reporting method to track performance over the life of the contract.