Once the contract mobilisation period has ended and the contract has been implemented, you will move to the normal working period of the contract.
As you would expect, delivering to the Scottish public sector is very much like doing business with the private sector. The basic principles of good business apply:
Do not be afraid to suggest new products/solutions. Innovation is welcomed.
The frequency and method of the meetings/communications e.g. face to face, video conferencing, teleconferencing, by written correspondence, during the life of the contract may change from those held during the mobilisation period, and will vary from contract to contract depending on a number of factors e.g.:
On-going communication, by whatever method(s), during a contract is key: it will help to improve and sustain the relationship you have with the buyer.
The management information and reporting/scorecarding schedule agreed at the mobilisation stage should continue throughout the life of the contract. Meetings should have a pre-agreed agenda so that all involved parties are prepared for the meeting and can provide the information required on time.
Throughout the life of the contract, or indeed other contracts that you have been involved in, you may encounter issues that need to be solved and/or have suggestions for ways or changing or improving the way the contract is working e.g. moving from manual invoicing to electronic invoicing.
Such ideas should be encouraged as they may improve contract efficiency. Any new suggestions should be fully discussed and agreed with the buyer, including any proposed changes to ways of working and the potential costs involved, before any kind of implementation. It may be a good idea to hold a small pilot or trial first before committing to a full implementation.
Some examples of things to consider when working on an existing contract are:
(file type: docx)
(file type: docx)
[1] https://www.supplierjourney.scot/additional-resources/prompt-payment
[2] https://www.supplierjourney.scot/sites/default/files/Review%20Meeting%20Template_0.docx
[3] https://www.supplierjourney.scot/sites/default/files/Contract%20Management%20Template_0.docx