SPD Summary & Hints

Quickfire Guide

Quickfire Guide

SPD Summary

The SPD:

  • used to be referred to as the ESPD
  • is a standard questionnaire
  • is used by buyers to ask exclusion and selection questions
  • cannot have questions added or existing questions amended by the buyer and therefore should only contain questions that are relevant and proportionate to the procurement exercise
  • should contain minimum requirements for certain selection questions where relevant e.g. if a procurement exercise had insurance requirements the buyer will include the insurance levels needed
  • is a self-declaration process i.e. bidders do not need to provide up-front evidence.  Normally only the supplier who is likely to be awarded the contract will be asked for this information by the buyer at the award stage
  • you are expected to answer all questions truthfully
  • data previously submitted in an SPD can be re-used by the bidder (as long as it is relevant and correct for the new current procurement exercise).

SPD Process in Summary

  • the buyer will determine which standard SPD questions are required
  • the buyer will include any minimum requirements in either the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) SPD Module or in the Contract Notice
  • the contract notice is published via PCS by the buyer
  • you decide whether to submit a bid
  • you must respond to the SPD in the format the buyer has specified
  • the buyer will normally only request evidence/certification before contract award.


You should:

  • register on PCS and PCS-Tender
  • raise any queries with the buyer
  • allow as much time as possible to raise clarifications/complete your bid
  • ensure responses are relevant to the particular procurement exercise
  • double-check all responses before submitting your bid.