Definitions and Disclaimer

The Supplier Journey does not cover works contracts.  If you have a query regarding works procurement, please contact:

Throughout the Supplier Journey we refer to 'public bodies' as short hand for all organisations which are subject to public procurement laws. This includes government, councils, universities and colleges, the NHS and registered social landlords.  The term "buyer" which is used through the Supplier Journey refers to the buyer who procures on behalf of these public bodies.

The Supplier Journey will be updated with any changes in legislation, policy and best practice over time.

This Supplier Journey is not a substitute for legal and professional advice - when you are bidding you must ask the public body's buyer for specific details about each opportunity you are interested in.  Further general advice and training is available through the Supplier Development Programme.

Browser Information

The Supplier Journey has been tested on the most recent version of the following browsers:

Desktop Browsers: Mobile browsers:
Microsoft Edge Google Chrome
Google Chrome Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox  
Apple Safari  


If you cannot read all Supplier Journey content or access all functionality please do one of the following:

  • if you are not using one of the listed browsers please change to use one of the above
  • if you are already using one of the above browsers, check you are using the latest version and, if not, update to this version if possible.

If you still experience issues after trying the above, please use the “Contact Us” facility on the top right of this website to send details of the problems encountered.

The information contained in this web site is subject to change without notice

Updated on 20 June 2024