Quickfire Guide
Public Contracts Scotland (PCS)
Procurement officers use PCS to:
- advertise future opportunities by using a Prior Information Notice;
- invite specific suppliers to submit quotations for low value/risk goods and services through the online 'Quick Quote' system;
- automatically publish higher value regulated procurement contract notices throughout the UK via the Find a Tender Service (FTS);
- post below-threshold contract notices;
- publish Contract Award Notices;
- publish their Contract Registers which detail all of their organisations current contracts from regulated procurements (£50k or over for goods and services);
- reserve suitable contracts for supported businesses
Main contractors on public sector contracts can use PCS to advertise their sub-contracting opportunities.
As a supplier you can:
- use PCS at any time to browse for contract opportunities. You do not need to register on PCS to be able to do this
- register as s supplier on PCS to receive automatic e-mail alerts for relevant new contract opportunities or a direct request for a Quick Quote
- register your interest and bid for an opportunity.